The shape of a bird is
defined by a number of characteristics. For now we are only going to discuss
three namely shape of the bill, length of the tail and length of the legs.
The shape of a bird's bill differ from family to family or even species to species.
For instance some birds have thin curved bills (sunbirds) and others conical (seedeaters).
Flycatchers have thin short bills while shrikes have thicker bills with a
definite hook at the end. This characteristic will for instance help you to
distinguish between a Fiscal Flycatcher and Common Fiscal. Although there are
differences in colour when comparing these two species, this is a very useful feature to look
for when trying to distinguish between these two similar looking birds.
The images on the right nicely illustrates some of the different beak forms. When
studying these images you will see that the length of the bill is also
different from species to species. Always note this feature as in some
species (for example sunbirds, especially trying to identify the brown looking
females), the length of the bill is an important feature. Use the length of the
head of the bird as a guideline.